Cardio exercises
These are sports exercises called "Cardio"
Cardio sports are one of the foremost important physical exercises practiced on an outsized scale and that they require a high effort and agility, they raise the guts rate for an extended time somewhat, so it's considered one among the simplest exercises for the physical body.
Cardio sports mainly depend upon burning oxygen and blood glucose within the body to supply energy, and thus it's one among the foremost important exercises that are practiced to reduce and burn fat throughout the body, and thru the article, we'll get to understand the foremost important benefits and kinds of cardio exercises.
Types of cardio exercises
Cardio exercises are divided into two main categories consistent with the intensity of the exercise, namely cardio at a continuing speed like walking at a continuing speed for half an hour, and exercises of varying intensity and speed or high intensity like HIIT.
The benefits of cardio exercises :are to enhance the blood circulation within the body and stimulate it, and nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells of the body and metabolic waste is eliminated. Help relieve stress, stress, and improve mood and emotional well-being. Burn fat and calories effectively. Reducing the incidence of chronic diseases, the foremost important of which are pressure, diabetes, arterial and cardiovascular diseases. Strengthening the muscles liable for breathing (the lungs and title).
Examples of cardio exercises:
Walking: it's the foremost used among other exercises that easily help its performance and effectiveness in burning fat, because it is suitable for you for all age groups also on pregnant women, and therefore the exercise is often performed in any preferred or comfortable place, and it should be noted that the walking exercise burns 300 calories or More.
Jumping rope: it's one among the oldest exercises, and it's one among the strength exercises in burning fat and revitalizing the body and providing it with energy and vitality because it works at burning at 1,200 calories during one hour, and it's characterized by moving all the muscles of the body, the foremost important of which is that the cardiac muscle. For a little number, for instance, as a sort of warm-up, then increase the amount gradually, with an opportunity.
tair climbing: it's somewhat almost like strength exercises in terms of its positive effect in strengthening the bones and muscles that are used, so stair climbing exercise, whether within the gym or on the important stairs, are exercises that strengthen the thighs and back muscles and help to tighten them, because it burns Good calories and thus gets obviate excess weight. it's preferable to exercise 3 times every week or five times, counting on the goal of the exercise. If the main goal of it is to burn fat and calories, you must do this exercise five times a week for not less than twenty minutes.
Video cardio exercises:
For clarification, we will show you a video that explains the basic concept of cardio exercises including we hope that it will get your answer__
What are cardio exercises?
Reviewed by MB
July 09, 2020
Rating: 5

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